HCT Interim Executive Efficiently Institutes Point-of-Care Testing Across a 45-Facility State Corrections Network


State Department of Corrections, East Coast


Each of the correctional facilities had unique medical concerns and challenges and the client needed a solution that allowed the facility’s medical department to better serve its community, particularly as it related to point-of-care testing.


HCT’s interim healthcare Executive worked quickly and efficiently to establish relationships with each of the facilities’ medical departments and developed standard operating procedures for the client’s point-of-care testing. She also created job descriptions and conducted interviews for the client’s team and trained all staff on two new instruments. She monitored equipment inventory, supply chain concerns, and the entry of facility test results in state health department portals. In addition, she participated in TrueMetrix training sessions and facilitated point-of-care glucose testing and standardization to TrueMetrix Pro GoLIVE.


The client did not have a standardized operating procedure regarding point-of-care testing. HCT’s interim executive identified this as a pain point for the organization, and, following internal processes and working closely with the medical team, she quickly and impressively remedied it. She instituted point-of-care testing PCR and antigen (COVID-19) equipment for four different platforms as well as standardized point-of-care glucose machines. This 15-minute testing capability allowed for quick identification among inmates and staff and allowed for early quarantine, management, and treatment of those testing positive for COVID. 

In addition, she standardized supply chain and ordering processes and monitored inventory while working with state-approved vendors and contracts. Her biweekly reports using internal PM software (Trello Board) were extremely accurate.


“A hard worker and very confident in her knowledge base. She is able to discuss and support the proper way to follow procedures.” 

“A delight to be with. Her infectious laugh and kind voice are an asset.” 

“Identified many opportunities for facilities and helped those facilities correct improper processes.” 

“A fantastic teammate. She really gets staff at facilities engaged and always is positive in her remarks.” 

“We would not have a point-of-care medical testing program without her excellent knowledge of these requirements, education, as well as management of the programs.”


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